Sheana’s Story
I grew up in a household that had many challenges. Lots of mouths to feed and little money coming in. As a one-income family, the money had to be stretched as far as possible — which meant scouting out the deals and quantity, not quality. Many times meals were unpleasing to the eye, but on the bright side our tummies were full.
I would look forward to going to my grandmother’s house every second Sunday for dinner. In the car on the way to Vancouver I imagined the great food my Grams was going to make this time. I was never disappointed when we walked through the door. Broccoli and cheese sauce was always my favorite. I remember my mouth watering and sitting at the table in anticipation. All the food was served in dishes from the table as we sat around, unlike at home where we went to the stove and dished out.
As an adult I worked at Costco for 16 years and then moved on to work with some wonderful special needs students in my local school district. I found this very rewarding and I was able to help these students to have a voice and discover new things within themselves. I was confident this was my calling in life.
Three years after this calling arrived into my life, I discovered a new calling. I had the most amazing opportunity with my husband to use all my skills in one place. This special place is Hillcrest Bakery & Deli. I am able to connect with people and I also get to use my creative side. I wear many hats at the bakery and love them all!
I’m the proud mother of two fine sons, a beautiful granddaughter and another grandbaby due in September!
Stop by and visit our family at Hillcrest today!
“You Are A Beautiful Cupcake in a World of Muffins”
David’s Story
My maternal grandmother & my dad were both professional cooks. I grew up around great food. In happy times or sad times, somebody was always cooking something.
My earliest recollection of trying to bake something on my own was when I was maybe 10 years old. I found a recipe for California Polka Dot Bread. The recipe called for cloves and not knowing any better, I used whole cloves. I took a lot of ribbing for those little golf tees!
I started working in a bakery shortly after I graduated from high school in 1981. It was owned by two Germans who believed strongly in apprenticeships. They always had a 1st, 2nd & 3rd year apprentice working for them. When I’d finished my 3rd year and it was time to move on, a new opportunity presented itself and I opened a record and tape store in a small interior town. 30 months later I decided it was time for a change of scenery so I moved to the coast.
I started at Hillcrest Bakery Feb 1988. Two owners and 23 years later, Sheana and I took over. We now live in White Rock and it’s just a five minute walk to work and a two minute drive to the beach. Hillcrest Bakery has been around since 1972. It’s part of fabric of the community and to be carrying on its rich tradition while guiding it into the future with Sheana is a dream come true.
“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”
― George Bernard Shaw