Feb 172012

The Scarlet Pumpernickle


When we started getting calls this week about a certain type of rye bread mentioned by Dr. Oz, my first thought was why would Muppeteer Frank Oz be calling us about bread?


Hey, it’s not that outlandish. With all his accomplishments, I’m surprised some university somewhere hasn’t made him an honorary doctor of something.


I had heard the name before, but I wouldn’t know Dr. Oz if he walked up and offered me a corned beef on rye. So I googled the name and look what I discovered…












Coincidence? I think not.




Anyway, the good doctor had been recommending pumpernickel rye as a healthy alternative to wheat bread. I didn’t see the show so don’t know exactly what was said, but rye flour lacks the gluten content to make a decent loaf of bread so there is some wheat flour in all rye bread…well, all rye bread that we make.


30 years ago I was an apprentice at a German bakery and we made pumpernickel rye bread and I remember it being similar to the dark Danish rye we make at Hillcrest. They’re both  very dark, very heavy loaves of bread. Don’t drop it on your toe!


I did some research online and most of the recipes I could find were indeed almost identical to what we make now, but I did find one recipe that seemed more ‘authentic’.


The pumpernickel needs to be soaked for a day, the dough uses sour starter instead of yeast, it has molasses in it instead of sugar,  caraway seed and even a little cocoa.


We’re sampling my first attempt today. Come in for a taste test and let us know what you think.





  One Response to “Dr. Pumpernickel”

  1. Great, it all sold!
    Did you get a chance to try it? What did you think?
    If you missed out, I think it will be one of our ‘once-a-week breads’.
    Pre-order to avoid disappointment!


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